Thomas Ehrhorn, July 6, 2023, War against One’s Own People

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14205-14206. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. The draft law put forward deals primarily with the acceleration of the approval procedures for windpower installations and facilities for production of so-called green hydrogen. So as to forestall the same: The speeches on green hydrogen, this alleged wonder technology of the future, which …

Thomas Ehrhorn, March 3, 2023, Automobiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/89, pp, 10644-10645. Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. For at least three decades now rages the obstinate – it might be said, hate-filled – struggle of leftist ideologues against the automobile, against one of the greatest achievements of the industrial age. The Euro-7 norm is in that regard only a …

Thomas Ehrhorn, February 20, 2020, EU Action Plan for Disinformation

Thomas Ehrhorn EU Action Plan for Disinformation AfD Kompakt, February 20, 2020 [Thomas Ehrhorn is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Lower Saxony. He is a pilot. German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) was formerly mayor of Hamburg.] With the “Action Plan for Disinformation”, EU Commission President von der …

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