Sylvia Limmer, April 24, 2024, Israel and Iran

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV(2024)04-24(3-036-0000). Herr President. Not just today with my last speaking contribution in the European Parliament do I stand here as a free member, and not particularly as a representative of the AfD delegation, due to a cowardly and malicious drone and rocket attack on Israel by the Iranian terrorist mullah regime. …

Sylvia Limmer, March 13, 2024, EU and Combustion Engine

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV (2024)03-13(3-264-0000). Herr President. It is delightful that majorities across delegations could be repeatedly formed for the Euro 7 norm which, instead of green ideology and visions, could at least partially maintain measure and mean for the auto industry, and are thereby ultimately consumer-friendly, since it would have been autos in …

Sylvia Limmer, February 7, 2024, Farmers

European Parliament, Straßburg, P9 CRE-PROV(2024)02-07(3-040-0000). Herr President. And again this week outraged farmers stand in front of the the European Parliament in Straßburg, just as last week in Brussels. Do eggs, liquid manure and burning hay actually need to just blow up in your faces? It’s not only about the suspension of the idled acreage, …

Sylvia Limmer, July 12, 2023, EU Climate Decree and Agriculture

AfD Kompakt, July 12, 2023. By means of an intentional, massive recession of agricultural area, this decree endangers our food security, threatens the livelihoods of farmers and grape growers and is a further step into an EU climate museum. Its basic premise, according to which species variety on idled acres is generally greater than on …

Sylvia Limmer, February 14, 2023, Combustion Engine Ban

AfD Kompakt, February 14, 2023 The combustion engine ban concluded by the EU Parliament is based on a deception: For years it was asserted that electro-mobility, unlike the combustion engines, would be free of emissions. Yet that is not right, since a lack of exhaust of the e-autos still by far does not make it …

Sylvia Limmer, June 9, 2022, Combustion Engine

AfD Kompakt, June 9, 2022. With yesterday’s vote in the EU Parliament, the auto as we know it is history. The combustion engine at the latest by 2035 will be forbidden; yet well before, there will no longer be capable combustion engines, since the new EU legal situation does not permit this and businesses can …

Sylvia Limmer, March 10, 2022, Climate Policy and Child Labor

AfD Kompakt, March 10, 2022. Everyone knows the horrifying pictures of the dust-covered bodies of children who mostly with bare hands dig the demanded cobalt from the earth. Yet all my motions to ban child labor from the production of raw materials in Third World countries have failed – just as in the previous negotiations …

Sylvia Limmer, February 11, 2022, Automotive Engine Emissions

AfD Kompakt, February 11, 2022.     For years, the EU legislation leads us on with the emissions-free automobiles of e-mobility. Yet this is an ideological conjurer’s trick, since only one thing is different – the location of the CO2 emissions, which besides will increase. For as a result of this politically forced electrification of the passenger …

Sylvia Limmer, October 6, 2021, Energy Policy

AfD Kompakt, October 6, 2021. It is inadvertently funny when the EU happens to concern itself over rising energy prices, a lack of energy efficiency and an energy poverty when its own energy policy, with the Green Deal and the Fit-for-55 program, nevertheless manifestly leads to precisely these problems. The price of electricity in Germany …

Sylvia Limmer, September 14, 2021, CO2 Policy

AfD Kompakt, September 14, 2021.  The European Climate Law’s goal for CO2 reduction is 55% by 2030. Thereby shall be initiated nothing less than a “transformative change of our economy and society” so as to diminish “systematic inequality”, as it is called in the EU Commission’s documents. These goals, so readily declared as being “ambitious”, …

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