Sebastian Wippel, July 30, 2021, German-Polish-Czech Technical University

AfD Kompakt, July 30, 2021 For very long already, I advocated for a Technische Universität Dreiländereck. For one, it can help manage the structural change of Lausitz. For another, it would raise the cooperation with Poland and Czechia to a new level. Now that support for this demand subsequently comes even from the CDU, we …

Sebastian Wippel, February 4, 2021, Leftist Extremism

Saxon Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/23, pp. 1532-1534.  Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable colleague members. In June 2020, there were once again brutally violent demonstrations against the police following searches in Leipzig-Connewitz. On the periphery of the searches were found cutting and stabbing weapons, combat clothing and means of communication. After three nights of rioting in …

Sebastian Wippel, Election in Saxony, August 5, 2019

Sebastian Wippel Election in Saxony AfD Kompakt, August 5, 2019 [Sebastian Wippel is an Alternative für Deutschland member in the Landtag of the eastern German Free State of Saxony, elections for which will be held this coming September 1. He is a police officer and both he and Saxony Minister-president Michael Kretschmer are residents of …

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