Rainer Kraft, July 6, 2023, Emissions Decree

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, p. 14242. Esteemed President. Valued colleagues. The 31st decree presented for the enforcement of the Federal emissions protection law is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Duty-bound, the protection of labor and environment is addressed, and you promise the new, the healed world. Yet, thought through to the end, your assessment means …

Rainer Kraft, March 31, 2023, Nuclear Power

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/95, pp. 11423-11424. Honored President. Valued colleagues. For over 60 years, the German nuclear power plants have supplied our country with safe, economic [preiswert], and sustainable electricity. In 15 days, this German success story shall go to an end. In Bavaria, the nuclear plant Isar 2 goes from the network after 35 …

Rainer Kraft, October 20, 2022, Energy Security

German Bundestag, October 20, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/63, pp. 7097-7099. Right honorable President. Valued colleagues. It is, ja, meanwhile a platitude that, due to a false energy policy, Germany has fallen into existential difficulties and that here reprimand of the Russian aggressive war simply helps nothing. Since already in the spring of 2019, thus three years …

Rainer Kraft, September 22, 2022, Energy Crisis and Insolvency

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/54, pp. 5954-5955. Right honorable President. Valued colleagues. I do not know how you come by the idea that we are screwing around with the security. The technical security aspects are certainly not affected by our draft law. But let us cite someone: “Every kilowatt-hour helps in this situation”. The Green Economy …

Rainer Kraft, April 29, 2022, Energy Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/32, pp. 2916-2917. Esteemed President. Valued colleagues. The draft law put forward is nothing other than your admission that the energy policy of Chancellors Schröder and Merkel has failed. In these 23 give-away government years of the SPD, Union, FDP and Greens, Germany’s outstanding energy supply, with its reliable and well-priced energy, …

Rainer Kraft, March 16, 2022, Nuclear Power Plants

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/20, pp. 1474-1475. Right honorable Frau President. Valued colleagues. The energy costs in Germany are too high. We know not from where the energy for the coming winter shall come and international dependencies exist to an extremely unhealthy, one-sided degree. Thus, after 20 years of the energy transition, may be summarized the …

Rainer Kraft, June 10, 2021, Nuclear Power

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/233, p. 30051. Today it is about many changes to the atomic energy law; for one, about executive reservation in regards decisions to approve; further, about the size of statutory indemnifications based on the withdrawal squabbling contrived by the second Merkel government; and lastly, about the question of whether legal exports of …

Rainer Kraft, June 10, 2021, Sustainability, Climate, Equality

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/233, pp. 29939-29940. Right honorable Herr President. Esteemed colleagues. Before we cast a glance at the sustainability, a brief word on the FDP’s motion in connection with climate neutral flying: Your motion is from 2019, and it is not well altered, it needs be said. At a time when Lufthansa has already …

Rainer Kraft, May 21, 2021, Environmental Protection and Prosperity

German Bundestag, May 21, 2021, Plenarprotokoll 19/231, p. 29705. Esteemed President. Worthy colleagues. First to Herr Mindrup and to Frau Weisberger: Your assertion that renewable energies are surely much cheaper than fossil energies is caught out as a lie by a glance at any electricity bill of citizen or business in Germany.             Anja Weisberger …

Rainer Kraft, October 8, 2020, Nuclear Disposal

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/183, pp. 23105-23106. Before us lies a draft law of the Federal government on the adaptation of cost provisions in the area of nuclear disposal. Many of the alterations are sensible – yes, you are right there, Herr Möring – yet plainly not all. We now speak on those which are not. …

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