Kristin Brinker, January 27, 2022, Berlin – Part IV

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 19/5, pp. 229-230. Let us come to the present, most serious imposition with which the Senate burdens the Berliners – these are the erratic and arbitrary compulsory preventive measures in the Corona crisis. A small example: In the Berlin restaurant trade for the past two weeks, the 2G plus rule applies to …

Kristin Brinker, January 27, 2022, Berlin – Part III

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, January 27, 2022, pp. 228-229. The sixth imposition is the shameless rip-off of automobile drivers in this city.             Carsten Schatz (Linke): Harmless! Frau Giffey writes: “The goal of the State government is a climate neutral Berlin.” – Here, automobile drivers are naturally disturbing and are only of interest as a possible source …

Kristin Brinker, January 27, 2022, Berlin – Part II

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 19/5, pp. 226-227. Here I ask you, Frau Giffey, in all frankness: What is it now with the referendum? Should large real estate concerns be expropriated or not? I know what you also said here today; you cannot answer because the coalition is not united and must now establish a working circle, …

Kristin Brinker, January 27, 2022, Berlin – Part I

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 19/5, pp. 224-227. Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. – The microphone is not on?             Stefan Evers (CDU): It’s OK! Vice-president Bahar Haghanipour: Now, Frau Dr. Brinker, you have the word! Now it is on! Now it is – wunderbar! From the top: Right honorable Frau President. Right …

Kristin Brinker, September 16, 2021, Berlin

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 18/84, pp. 9910-9912. Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. When I hear my preceding speakers – colleague Saleh and colleague Helm – then the impression can surely be acquired that those who rule live on an entirely different planet; since Berlin, unfortunately, does not function.             Steffen Zillich (Linke): …

Kristin Brinker, June 17, 2021, Electricity in Berlin

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 18/81, pp. 9470-9472. Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. We are today debating a sum of two billion euros – two billion euros which the State of Berlin shall pay for the electricity grid [Stromnetz]. This large scale alone self-evidently justifies the current affairs hour here today. The Stromnetz …

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