Jürgen Pohl, October 1, 2021, Auto Industry and Globalization

AfD Kompakt, October 1, 2021. The planned closing at Eisenach shows: Those responsible in the leadership of the Opel concern and in politics have culpably neglected during the pandemic to re-organize the electronics supply chains vital to production. A constructive critique of globalization was omitted. That now takes its toll – with bitter consequences for …

Jürgen Pohl, December 17, 2020, Labor and Unemployment

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/202, pp. 25428-25429. Nevertheless, I begin.                        Claudia Müller (Greens): That all goes from the speaking time, please. Herr President. Honored colleagues, those who wish to listen. Worthy listeners [Zuhörer] at the sets and at home.             Ulli Nissen (SPD): Again, not Zuhörerinnen! The candy manufacturer Haribo is closing its one plant …

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