Jörg Meuthen, November 10, 2021, Poland and Migrants

AfD Kompakt, November 10, 2021. The German government and the European Union should immediately accommodate every assistance desired by our Polish friends. To that could pertain financial support for the erection of effective border fortification [Grenzbefestigung] or, if the occasion arises, logistics support desired by the Polish government. To the migrants’ countries of origin is …

Jörg Meuthen, October 19, 2021, Poland and EU

AfD Kompakt, October 19, 2021. If Poland withdrew from the EU, the EU Parliament could in fact be abolished, since scarcely one plenary week goes by in which the Poles in Strasbourg are not put in the pillory. The reproaches which Brussels makes to the government in Warsaw are abstruse: It is not Poland which …

Jörg Meuthen, October 5, 2021, EU-USA Relations – Picula Report

AfD Kompakt, October 5, 2021. Good relations with Washington are in our interest. It is therefore important that our interests be respected by Washington. In the past, that was not always the case: One thinks of the U.S.A.’s attempt to hinder Nord Stream 2 or to entangle us in interventionist foreign policy adventure, the consequences …

Jörg Meuthen, September 15, 2021, State of the Union

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, September 15, 2021, P9 CRE-PROV(2021)09-15(3-016-0000). Frau President. Frau Commission President. For the citizens in the EU are required no unctuous speeches on the State of the Union like you have once again presented to us today. What your speech in terms of content delivers, soberly considered and without the quite false pathos, …

Jörg Meuthen, August 3, 2021, Vaccination of Children

AfD Kompakt, August 3, 2021. Children should be vaccinated against the Corona virus with only one, single object: So as to protect them from a health risk which for them is associated with a Covid-19 illness. The risk for healthy children to become seriously ill or indeed to die of Covid-19 is in fact vanishingly …

Jörg Meuthen, July 7, 2021, Hungary and EU

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV (2021)07-07(3-081-0000). Herr President. Esteemed colleagues. Hungary is once again the target of an EU campaign against its sovereignty. The pretext this time: The Hungarian child protection act. Many of you in the last days were so occupied with waving the rainbow flag that you evidently found no time to really …

Jörg Meuthen, March 5, 2021, Constitution Defense

AfD Kompakt, March 5, 2021 The Administrative Court in Cologne has today stopped with immediate effect the observation of the AfD – this decision is not only a victory for us but also for the state of law. Since the Administrative Court has shown that the illegal proceeding of the Constitution Defense against the largest …

Jörg Meuthen, December 16, 2020, EU Council

European Parliament, Brussels, P9 CRE-PROV (2020) 12-16 (3-034-0000). Frau President, honorable colleagues. The German Chancellor, following last week’s EU Council summit, proudly said that it was worth it not to sleep. Looking at the results of that shameful night, I can only call out to her: “Frau Merkel, it would be better if you had …

Jörg Meuthen, November 17, 2020, Poland and Hungary

AfD Kompakt, November 17, 2020 It is no doubt curious when German interests, calculated in regards the EU budget, are represented from Warsaw and Budapest and not from Berlin. But exactly that is certainly the case. Since, by means of the veto of Poland and Hungary of the EU’s multi-year financial framework and of the …

Jörg Meuthen, October 21, 2020, COVID -19

European Parliament, Brussels, P9 CRE-PROV (2020) 10-21 (3-128-0000). Frau President. Honorable colleagues. Today we speak on the EU’s possibilities of softening the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. Such a desire proceeds from a superficial, presumably high-minded viewpoint. Yet the question which must be posed here is: Why at all should this duty …

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