Jochen Haug, May 25, 2023, EU Election Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/106, pp. 12811-12812. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. The EU Parliament’s proposal debated today for a change of the EU election law is an attack on the national states of Europe. The planned changes are alien to the citizens and fundamentally undemocratic. Of this are first of all the trans-national lists which …

Jochen Haug, September 22, 2022, EU Citizens Initiative

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/54, pp. 5928-5929. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. We today debate the law to amend the European citizens initiative by which themes can be brought to the EU Commission without the EU Commission being obligated to become substantially active therein. Understand: This toothless tiger is to give the EU a democratic coating. …

Jochen Haug, January 14, 2021, Election Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/204, pp. 25715-25716. Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. We here today shall decide that the holding of nominations assemblies for the Bundestag election is at least partially not possible. Yet to that I ask directly back: Why should I and my delegation conform to an incorrect statement? – Assemblies are possible, and …

Jochen Haug, October 9, 2020, Election Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/184, p. 23135. Four weeks ago, the coalition delegations laid before us in a first reading a fully unfortunate draft law. This provided that, by statutory ordinance, regulations can be made which weaken one of the most important principles of our election law; namely, the principle that candidates for election to the …

Jochen Haug, September 10, 2020, Election Law

German Bundestag, September 10, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/173, pp. 21775-21776. Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. One remark beforehand, Herr Frieser. I am now really a bit astonished: You here claim nothing  is to be delegated to the Federal Interior Ministry and the fundamental of separation of  powers is guaranteed. It is certainly precisely the problem here …

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