Joachim Paul, November 16, 2021, Moslem Call to Prayer in Cologne

AfD Kompakt, November 16, 2021. The call of the muezzin is not comparable to bell ringing. The latter fulfills multiple functions and carries no dominant religious message signifying a superiority over other religions. Church bells belong to the German Leitkultur, the muezzin however do not. That Oberbürgermeister Reker reckoned the call of the muezzin to …

Joachim Paul, October 8, 2021, Global Minimum Tax

AfD Kompakt, October 8, 2021. The global minimum tax shrinks to the lowest common denominator. It is fully in order to speak of a rotten compromise or of a symbolic policy, since the global special business [Sonderwirthschaften] of “Big Tech” – especially, massive sales of data or the avoidance of tariffs as in the case …

Joachim Paul, April 14, 2021, Broadcasting Reform

AfD Kompakt, April 14, 2021 I am very happy that the majority of the delegates have followed our motion and that the demand for a slimmed down home broadcasting, the “Grundfunk”, is now a part of our Bundestag election program. It is high time for a durable structural reform of public broadcasting [Öffentilich-Rechtlichen]. The introduction …

Joachim Paul, April 6, 2021, Gaia-X Cloud Service

AfD Kompakt, April 6, 2021 The tug-of-war over “Gaia-X” strikingly recalls that over “De-Mail”, which indeed was celebrated as a breakthrough yet could never make it to market. Meanwhile, 212 IT firms and research facilities – among which in part are questionable businesses like the Chinese tech giants Alibaba and Huawei, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and, …

Joachim Paul, February 25, 2021, Research and Development

AfD Kompakt, February 25, 2021 The year’s estimate delivers a determination of status which must raise serious concerns. The Corona crisis has in fact driven forward radical new technologies, yet which in Sleeping Beauty Germany – land of mobile phone dead zones, the copper cable and rattling fax machines – are a cold surprise. Especially …

Joachim Paul, January 25, 2021, Deplatforming

AfD Kompakt, January 25, 2021  Poland’s advance against the notorious “deplatforming” is really exemplary. While as before in Germany, content normally not criminal-relevant falls victim to deletion troops – often composed of student assistants without legal knowledge – Poland now puts an end to the deletion orgies.  In the view of the Polish government, they …

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