Joana Cotar, March 17, 2022, Telegram Disconnection

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/21, pp. 1562-1563. In January, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser threatened the messenger app Telegram with disconnection [Abschaltung] as an ultima ratio. Markus Söder agreed with her and demanded the geo-blocking. And Boris Pistorius, the Lower Saxony Interior Minister, wanted to ban the messenger service from the app stores. The policy appears united: …

Joana Cotar, January 13, 2022, Digitalization

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/11, pp. 667-668. Frau President. Valued colleagues. Before I come to the actual theme, a brief, personal remark of my own: The ostracism of the non-vaccinated in the Bundestag as practiced since this week and outside in the society must come to an immediate end. This has nothing but absolutely nothing more …

Joana Cotar, December 27, 2021, Axis of Good

AfD Kompakt, December 27, 2021.  Again, a conservative media of an upper range disappears overnight from the market. The problematics are opaque and the censors silent. This is no good sign for freedom. Particularly pungent is the anti-semitic undertone of the concealed night and fog action; since one of the best known co-workers of the …

Joachim Paul, October 8, 2021, Global Minimum Tax

AfD Kompakt, October 8, 2021. The global minimum tax shrinks to the lowest common denominator. It is fully in order to speak of a rotten compromise or of a symbolic policy, since the global special business [Sonderwirthschaften] of “Big Tech” – especially, massive sales of data or the avoidance of tariffs as in the case …

Joana Cotar, July 30, 2021, Facebook

AfD Kompakt, July 30, 2021 A good day for freedom of opinion – though the [Federal Constitutional Court] judges actually have obviously warned of the social media giant Facebook. It may no longer at discretion and without further ado silence its 30 million German users. Naturally it is right of Facebook to delete and to …

Tino Chrupalla, June 23, 2021, Moscow Security Conference

Moscow Security Conference, June 23, 2021. Right honorable Herr Defense Minister General Schoigu. Right honorable Herr Colonel General Fomin. Right honorable Herr Ilnitskiy. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear friends. Fascinated, I listened in 2001 to President Vladimir Putin’s famous speech in the Berlin Reichstag. In his speech, the Russian president sketched his “policy of …

Joana Cotar, June 25, 2021, Digital Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/237, pp. 30884-30885. Herr President. Valued colleagues. Four years of digital policy now lie behind us, or what the Federal government has held to be digital policy. Time to draw up a balance. Where stands digital Germany after an additional four years of the Grand Coalition? Let us initially give the scientific …

Jens Maier, May 7, 2021, Constitution Defense

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/228, pp. 29124-29125.  Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. This draft law describes a further step in the direction of a total surveillance of society. What is sold here as an ostensible reaction to the present incidence in the area of rightist terrorism is the pretext for taking into view targeted, …

Joana Cotar, April 23, 2021, IT Security Law

German Bundestag, April 23, 2021, Plenarprotokoll 19/225, pp. 28687-28688. Herr President. Esteemed colleagues. Completely insufficient, in its present state already obsolete, falsely focused, lacking a strategy, a poor integration of science and civil society, a bureaucracy monster, an insecurity law – these are not my words; these are citations from the commentaries of experts on …

Jörn König, April 22, 2021, Telecommunications Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/224, pp. 28402-28403. Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear viewers in the galleries and at the screens. The government has put forward a draft law which shall modernize telecommunications. As I said twelve months ago at the first reading: “It is going forward, but by pussy-footing.” For the first time …

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