Peter Boehringer, March 25, 2020, Corona Crisis

Peter Boehringer Corona Crisis German Bundestag, March 25, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/154, pp. 19131-19132. [Peter Boehringer is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Bavaria and is currently chairman of the Bundestag budget committee. He here presents a set of AfD motions supplementary to the government’s program presented in response to the Corona crisis.] Herr President. …

Alexander Gauland, March 25, 2020, Corona Crisis

Alexander Gauland Corona Crisis German Bundestag, March 25, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/154, pp. 19121-19122 [Alexander Gauland is honorary national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and a chairman of the AfD delegation in the Bundestag.] Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. First of all: The government’s policy contains many insights which we hold to be correct and …

Alexander Gauland, March 18, 2020, Nation

Alexander Gauland Nation AfD Kompakt, March 18, 2020 [Alexander Gauland is honorary national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland as well as a chairman of the AfD delegation in the Bundestag.] Now in times of acute crisis will be applied numerous measures which until recently were asserted to be unfeasible. Borders can once again be …

Peter Boehringer, March 19, 2020, European Central Bank and Corona Crisis

Peter Boehringer European Central Bank and Corona Crisis AfD Kompakt, March 19, 2020 [Peter Boehringer is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Bavaria and is chairman of the Bundestag budget committee.] It is true that extraordinary times like the present Corona crisis require extraordinary action. Yet is is also to be noted that the …

Alice Weidel, March 4, 2020, Coronavirus

Alice Weidel Coronavirus German Bundestag, March 4, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/148, pp. 18440-18441 [Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland delegation in the German Bundestag as well as AfD chairman in the western German state of Baden-Württemberg. Charité is a large hospital in Berlin. Jens Spahn is German Minister for Health.] Right honorable …

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