Gottfried Curio, June 13, 2024, The Politics of Deportation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/175, pp. 22574-22575. Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen. After an asylum applicant, rejected for ten years, wanted to murder a critic of Islam and thereby killed an intervening police officer, those responsible follow one after another in the casting of smokescreens. For the longest time, the Afghan was not removed from …

Gottfried Curio, December 15, 2023, Artificial Forced Migration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/145, pp. 18457-18458. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. These days the EU negotiates a new version of the Common European Asylum System. Prominently discussed are external borders procedures for migrants from countries of origin with low recognition rates – not the largest group, which makes the measure little effective –, as well …

Gottfried Curio, September 21, 2023, Immigration and the CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/122, pp. 15098-15099. Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Had Interior Minister Faeser invested as much zeal in her own area of duties as in Schönbohm’s dismissal – in border defense, domestic security, deportations – Germany would then have no acceptance problems, Europe no migration crisis, there would be no pictures …

Gottfried Curio, June 9, 2023, EU Immigration Regulations

AfD Kompakt, June 9, 2023. The regulations will not solve the problems. If now some countries in fact buy their way out of a new “reception obligation”, in the end a considerable portion might again remain attached to Germany. And with the keyword “distribution” [Verteilung], the Merkel-ish subversion of Dublin III will now be set: …

Gottfried Curio, May 11, 2023, Immigration and Politics

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/103, pp. 12394-12395. Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen. The Ampel grandly announced in the coalition contract a repatriation offensive, yet for which certainly the thereto belonging FDP announcements party did not deliver. The number of deportations is far less than even before the pandemic. There is simply no migration agreement for …

Gottfried Curio, March 29, 2023, Asylum, Deportation and the CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/93, p. 11176. Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen. With clearly over 200,000 asylum applicants last year – besides one million Ukrainians – the quite overburdened reception capacities are definitely overcharged. Yet, despite dramatic cries for help from States and communities, the Federal government undertakes nothing. No stop of the ever further …

Gottfried Curio, December 1, 2022, German Citizenship

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/73, pp. 8538-8539. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. The prerequisites for the acquisition of German citizenship are completely razed. Integration requirements: Down! Basic knowledge of civics: Down! Time periods: Almost halved. The intended target groups are thereby in no way either economically or culturally integrated. That is indeed unfortunately the reason for …

Gottfried Curio, October 19, 2022, Asylum Fraud

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/62, pp. 7004-7005. Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen. The new law which softens the conditions for a permission to remain has the purpose of now conclusively burdening Germany with rejected asylum applicants who – under a series of known pretenses – were despite after five years not deported but tolerated. This …

Gottfried Curio, August 1, 2022, Asylum Immigration

AfD Kompakt, August 1, 2022. Interior Minister Faeser having agreed just recently at the EU interior minister conference to make available 8,000 relocation places so as “to relieve” Mediterranean countries now even adds to it: Germany makes itself responsible for around 50,000 asylum applicants previously recognized in Greece who have further traveled here. Germany already …

Gottfried Curio, June 13, 2022, Immigration and Germany

AfD Kompakt, June 13, 2022. With her willingness to partake in a so-called coalition of the willing to accept illegal immigrants from the states on the southern external border of the EU, Interior Minister Faeser further increases the burdensome migration pressure on Germany. Following the so-called prospects – right of residence at the national level, …

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