Gerold Otten, December 17, 2020, Armed Drones

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/202, pp. 25458-25459. Herr President. Right honorable colleagues. We have certainly heard an emotional speech. In the past months and years in many forums, the necessity of armed drones was discussed. The conclusion was represented, as has been heard, by a hearing in the Bundestag. A few days ago however, the SPD …

Gerold Otten, December 9, 2020, Budget – Defense

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/198, pp. 24989-24990. Herr President. Right honorable colleagues. Compared to 2013, the Defense budget for 2021 has been increased around 9 billion euros to almost 47 billion euros. The Grand Coalition’s defense politicians will here praise themselves for that. Yet how does the Bundeswehr stand after seven years of the Grand Coalition, …

Gerold Otten, May 7, 2020, Healthcare and Nuclear Weapons

Gerold Otten Healthcare and Nuclear Weapons German Bundestag, May 7, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/158, pp. 19667-19668 [Gerold Otten is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Bavaria. He is an aerospace industries sales manager and has a number of years’ experience as a Bundeswehr pilot, experience which includes flying the Tornado fighter-bomber. He here responds to …

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