Alice Weidel, June 6, 2024, Immigration, Economy and War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/172, pp. 22137-22139. Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. The foregoing speeches completely by-pass the core of the problem. The Mannheim knifeman ought not to be here. The bloodbath on the Mannheim market place brings to public awareness the decline of security in public areas …

Matthias Moosdorf, June 3, 2024, Ukraine Escalation

AfD Kompakt, June 3, 2024. It  began with the delivery of steel helmets and today we see where we stand. The future  prospects of the Ukraine and its people are today worse than ever before. The delivery of Western weapons has not prevented the death of hundreds of thousands of young people – just the …

Sylvia Limmer, April 24, 2024, Israel and Iran

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV(2024)04-24(3-036-0000). Herr President. Not just today with my last speaking contribution in the European Parliament do I stand here as a free member, and not particularly as a representative of the AfD delegation, due to a cowardly and malicious drone and rocket attack on Israel by the Iranian terrorist mullah regime. …

Joachim Wundrak, April 11, 2024, Arctic Strategy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14195-14196. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Herr Dr. Stegner, I remain in constructive cooperation and collaboration here in this sovereign house. The economic and security policy importance of the Arctic region for Germany and Europe is regularly underestimated – plainly also by the Federal government. So accentuated the Federal government …

Alice Weidel, March 20, 2024, War and Peace

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/159, pp. 20331-20332. Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. The omens under which you set out for this European Council are dark. The Ukraine war is already in a third year. Serious efforts to end the fateful bloodletting in the midst of Europe are  not …

Tino Chrupalla, March 14, 2024, Peace and Cruise Missiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/157, pp. 20089-20090. Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. A delivery of Taurus means the prolongation of the war. Yes, it harms perhaps Russia, yet the Ukraine as well, and primarily it endangers Germany. As the Alternative für Deutschland, we condemn the Russian attack on the Ukraine. …

Joachim Kuhs, February 27, 2024, EU Finance and Ukraine War

European Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV (2024)02-27(2-025-0000). Herr President, esteemed Commissioner Han, valued colleagues, Herr State Secretary. Even this laboriously negotiated and stripped down revision of the seven year financial framework will fail. Whereon do I fix this? Now, if Herr Orban needs be sent to drink coffee so that all negotiation leaders thus agree, then …

Alexander Gauland, February 22, 2024, Russia, Munich and Realpolitik

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/154, p. 19630. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. “War is a mere continuation of politics with other means” [„Der Krieg ist eine blosse fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln“]. Everyone knows this sentence of Clausewitz. In traditional international law, a war therefore ends with a political result, a conclusion of peace. If …

Rüdiger Lucassen, January 19, 2024, Populism and Cruise Missiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/148, pp. 18939-18940. Frau President. Frau Defense Commissioner. Ladies and gentlemen. The CDU/CSU this week carves out motions in which it demands, free of charge, “more weapons for the Ukraine”: Day before yesterday Taurus cruise missiles, today one million artillery shells. What comes next? Atomic weapons?             Marcus Faber (FDP): That is …

Tino Chrupalla, September 26, 2023, Nord Stream Pipelines Attack

AfD Kompakt, September 26, 2023. The attack on Nord Stream was an attack on our energy sovereignty. The lifeline of German industry was severed. Advantageous gas from Russia was replaced by expensive and dirty fracking gas. Energy and electricity are now so expensive that every second large business considers emigration. Hungary’s Minister-president Viktor Orban declared …

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