Alexander Wiesner, August 26, 2020, House Occupation

AfD Kompakt, August 26, 2020 [Alexander Wiesner is an AfD member of the Saxony state legislature.] In Saxony, the CDU holds the office of Interior Minister and could act immediately. Roland Wöller however appears to tolerate, as in Dresden, the occupation of houses by leftist extremists, since he does not wish to pick a fight …

Alexander Wiesner, July 16, 2020, Direct Democracy

Alexander Wiesner Direct Democracy Saxon Landtag, July 16, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 7/13, pp. 785-786 [Alexander Wiesner is an Alternative für Deutschland member of the legislature of the eastern German state of Saxony. He is a business consultant.] Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Approximately 30 years have passed since the re-founding of Saxony. …

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