Alexander Gauland, February 22, 2024, Russia, Munich and Realpolitik

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/154, p. 19630. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. “War is a mere continuation of politics with other means” [„Der Krieg ist eine blosse fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln“]. Everyone knows this sentence of Clausewitz. In traditional international law, a war therefore ends with a political result, a conclusion of peace. If …

Alexander Gauland, February 9, 2023, Peace in the Ukraine

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/85, pp. 10104-10105. Frau President, Ladies and gentlemen. I do not imagine to be able to convince you with our motion [Drucksache 20/5551] of the necessity of a peace initiative.             Ulrich Lechte (SPD): Nonsense! In that regard, you adhere much too much to a purely military thinking. Yet you will need …

Alexander Gauland, September 22, 2022, After the War

German Bundestag, September 22, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/54, pp. 5873-5874. Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. Seldom have the hallowed principles of our post-1945 self-understanding been so mercilessly sacrificed on the altar of a false Realpolitik: We deliver no weapons to areas of tension. We defend only ourselves and our NATO partners. And at least: Sanctions are …

Alexander Gauland, July 8, 2022, NATO, Sweden and Finland

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/48, p. 5101. Frau President. Excellencies. Ladies and gentlemen. So as to set it straight at the beginning: We also accept the wish of Sweden and Finland to enter NATO. If we do not do this with effervescent joy and enthusiasm, that has nothing to do with the two democratic candidates but …

Alexander Gauland, June 28, 2022, Ukraine War

AfD Kompakt, June 28, 2022. Hungary’s attitude towards the war in the Ukraine coincides in many points with the view of the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag. Similar to Hungary, we draw the lesson from history that Germany needs do everything so as to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia. In no case may …

Alexander Gauland, April 28, 2022, Ukraine, Russia and Weapons

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/31, pp. 2732-2733. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. It is ever a thankless task to seek explanations for a situation which kills women and children and lays cities in rubble and ash. And when it has to do with freedom, democracy and Western values, one must in a country like Germany stand …

Alexander Gauland, March 23, 2022, Ukraine and Neutrality

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/24, p. 1946. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Seldom has a government newly come into office so quickly and so fundamentally arrived on the ground of facts. If for all of us it was not about Germany, one could almost feel Schadenfreude, but that is not my aim here. Here, a Green …

Alexander Gauland, February 17, 2022, Russia and Ukraine

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/17, p. 1120. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Let us for once imagine we are writing of the year 2040, and Canada for economic reasons had completed an approach to China and was prepared to conclude a military convention and place at the disposal of the Chinese fleet a base in Newfoundland. …

Alexander Gauland, December 9, 2021, Russia and the Ukraine

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/6, pp. 270-271. Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. First I want to reprove that, as matters stand, the Foreign Minister is not at the first foreign policy debate.             Filiz Polat (Greens): One moment! We have heard no apology.             Filiz Polat (Greens): She is in Paris! Where is the Foreign Minister? …

Alexander Gauland, October 20, 2021, Polish-German Border and Migration

AfD Kompakt, October 20, 2021. The Federal Interior Minister has noted plenty late that it needs be fixed. The Polish-German border patrols announced by him are nevertheless again only an evasive maneuver. The decisive point is that illegal migrants without exception must be sent back and certainly not first allowed to obtain the possibility of …

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