Guido Reil, February 26, 2024, Food Prices

European Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV (2024)02-26(1-150-0000). Herr President. Dear colleagues. We speak today on the fight against inflation, on foodstuff prices and their consequences and basic origins. Foodstuff prices have in fact in the last two years dramatically risen by 29 percent. Blatant examples: Sugar, 74 percent; wheat flour, 69 percent; margarine, 50 percent. What …

Sylvia Limmer, February 7, 2024, Farmers

European Parliament, Straßburg, P9 CRE-PROV(2024)02-07(3-040-0000). Herr President. And again this week outraged farmers stand in front of the the European Parliament in Straßburg, just as last week in Brussels. Do eggs, liquid manure and burning hay actually need to just blow up in your faces? It’s not only about the suspension of the idled acreage, …

Bernd Schattner, January 18, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/147, pp. 18622-18623. Many thanks. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Since 18 December 2023, tens of thousands in Germany again go into the streets for their right to a self-determined future.             Karl Bär (Greens): Against the AfD! Ever fewer people want to allow their lives to be dictated by a removed, …

Jörg Urban, January 8, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

AfD Kompakt, January 8, 2024. In regards the protests, we stand on the side of the farmers. The enthusiastic participation of tradesmen, shippers and a large part of the citizens shows: Our country urgently needs a change of politics. The green course of the established parties and the “climate transformation” of all areas of life …

Sylvia Limmer, July 12, 2023, EU Climate Decree and Agriculture

AfD Kompakt, July 12, 2023. By means of an intentional, massive recession of agricultural area, this decree endangers our food security, threatens the livelihoods of farmers and grape growers and is a further step into an EU climate museum. Its basic premise, according to which species variety on idled acres is generally greater than on …

Peter Felser, December 15, 2022, Origin Labeling

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/76, pp. 9041-9042. Right honorable Frau President. Herr Minister. Dear colleagues. Dear farmers. That the animal husbandry labeling planned by you would be counter-productive for all participants, my colleague Protschka has already stated. You rightly receive criticism from all sides of the branch.  I cite, with permission of the President, the association …

Ulrike Schielke-Ziesing, September 8, 2022, Agriculture Budget and Hunger

German Bundestag, September 8, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/51, pp. 5559-5560. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Minister. The Agriculture Ministry’s budget has in the last years regrettably received much too little attention. In the present crisis at the latest is shown how destructive was this assessment. Right honorable Herr Minister, …

Ralf Stadler, August 18, 2022, Bavarian Farmers’ Protests

AfD Kompakt, August 18, 2022. In a time of war in Ukraine, numerous export bans on agricultural goods, frequent breakdowns in supply chains and a steadily increasing inflation in regards foodstuffs, the EU’s environmental packet is a false signal. The professionally over-charged Minister Özdemir already needed to back-pedal and has signaled provisionally setting aside the …

Bernd Schattner, July 7, 2022, Ahrtal Flood

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll, 20/47, pp. 4875-4876. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. It is now almost a year that 133 people died in the flood catastrophe in July 2021 in Rheinland-Pfalz. Hundreds were injured, thousands lost goods and property, many until today are traumatized by the experience. For us of the AfD, two things were clear …

Frank Rinck, May 19, 2022, Food Supply and Fertilizer

Frank Rinck Food Supply and Fertilizer German Bundestag, May 19, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/27, pp. 3595-3596. Herr President. Valued colleagues. We stand before the next crisis, a crisis which puts into play the supply security of foodstuffs in Germany, and in regards to which there can no longer be room for ideological or unworldly fantasies. The …

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