Jürgen Braun, November 30, 2022, Germany, China and Covid

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/72, pp. 8387-8388.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Fully healthy citizens under threat of draconian penalties are intimidated. To the applause of the state media, water cannon are employed against peaceful demonstrations. House searches of demonstration participants are undertaken, handies seized. There is censorship of the internet and restrictions of the freedom of opinion. The human rights situation is so disastrous that the UNO intervenes. – That is not only the present situation in the People’s Republic of China, that was also up to last year part of the situation in Germany.

The Federal governments have conducted themselves just as the Communist Party of China heretofore does.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Completely wrong!

            Gyde Jensen (FDP): Complete nonsense!

Jürgen Trittin (Greens): I would have wished it for you, but we unfortunately have not done it!

Yet here to us also applies: A visit from relatives in another Federal State: Verboten! Alone on a park bench reading a book: Verboten! Skating with the family in the fresh air: Verboten! Denunciations: Demanded!

You now rightly complain of censorship in China. Yet what have you until recently demanded? In the state television a daily cover-up with irrelevant numbers which had only one purpose: The spreading of fear – as by Televisor from Orwell’s 1984.

            Zoe Mayer (Greens): You spread fear!

At the same time, crtitics of this situation were defamed and fought,

            Gyde Jensen (FDP): To the matter, Herr Braun!

freedom-loving marchers were denigrated as “aluminum hats” and “right-wing extremists” and banned from restaurants, swimming pools and fitness studios – under threat of contempt of court and pension cuts.

An SPD Oberbürgermeister in Stuttgart was actually permitted to employ firearms against marchers. Police violence in Germany: Never so massive as in the 30 years since the end of the SED regime, so massive that the UNO reporter for torture intervened; police violence like we rightly complain of in China also here with us.

            Zoe Mayer (Greens): Yet you lack any measure!

And nearly all of you have cooperated. Herr Trittin, you have demanded the vaccination obligation for all. Now you can speak much of freedom in China; Herr Lauterbach is, ja, appropriately not here. What is now turned against the brave Chinese was for years practiced here.

            Jürgen Trittin (Greens): Nay, nay!

            Nils Schmid (SPD): That is just unbelievable!

The totalitarian zero-Covid petition was signed by leading mainstream figures – zero-Covid:

Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): This is offensive, what you are putting out here! That is simply just offensive! Nauseating, Herr Braun. Nauseating!

Climate-hopper Luisa Neubauer, the state-financed George Restle; even the from Stasi man climbed up to Berlin state secretary Andrei Holm was with those of the Partie.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Even beneath your dignity, what you are doing here!

Listen, Herr Lambsdorff.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): I am listening!

You do not want to hear the truth; I know that. It’s clear to me.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Oh, yes! From you comes not a word of truth!

And Christian Droste in the professional journal The Lancet called for confinement of the citizens without conditions.

Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr member Braun, I request speaking on the theme of the current hour.

And the Health Minister Lauterbach first!

            Gyde Jensen (FDP): Good man!

That is Chinese zero-Covid ideology in pure form.

Now the political-media complex wants to make forgotten all of this. In regards the brutally suppressed protests of this weekend in China, the German state media once again lies Kopf und Kragen. In the Tagesschau it said – I cite:

There are no large vaccination campaigns in the country of 1.4 billion inhabitants. Instead, the people in China live for almost three years in ever recurring lockdowns,  mass testing, restrictions of going-out and travel.

With that, the People’s Republic of China has a vaccination rate of 89 percent, one of the highest in the world.

Yet no such high vaccination rate lead to the giving way of the German government in the matter of zero-Covid. No, it was the stubborn citizens’ protests alone which we have to thank for that.

Leni Breymaier (SPD): Ach Gott! Ach Gott! Ach Gott! What actually remains of your “hot autumn”? Tomorrow is December. Then is the beginning of winter!

The Chinese strategy of intimidation and confinement which rightly here and today is unanimously condemned was a German reason of state and it would have remained a reason of state if the true civil society had not risen up: Across all Germany, peaceful protests spread so as to finally order a stop to this scandalous policy.

            Jürgen Coße (SPD): What nonsense you are telling!

In defense of the present government is to be said that it only continues what was already begun under the Merkel government. In the Interior Ministry’s experts’ council was appointed a man who is not only a declared fan of Mao Tse-tung but also received money from the Chinese Communist Party: The linguist Otto Kölbl was the author of the propaganda angst papers with the revealing title of “To Learn from Wuhan” – Wuhan, as is known, where the new Corona virus originated. I say to you what can be learned from Wuhan: How a virus can be genetically so manipulated that it becomes highly virulent and thereby a worldwide mass panic can be unleashed.

            Jürgen Coße (SPD): Man, man, man, man, man!

You still wanted to imitate the Chinese social model, yet the German Sonderweg, thank God, came to an end. If now the mask obligation falls, then we again finally have our freedom. And that I wish also for the brave people of China.

Leni Breymaier (SPD): You are so embarrassing! The most embarrassing Baden-Württemberger of the year!   

[trans: tem]

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