Christina Baum, December 16, 2022, Vaccination Side-effects

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/77, pp. 9239-9240.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

In a few days we will again celebrate Christmas, the feast you would have preferred to forbid to people in the past two years,

            Andreas Philippi (SPD): What!

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): Such rubbish!

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): Not Christmas. You ought to be forbidden!

the feast which many experienced for the last time – in solitude, and then dying in solitude and being buried in solitude. This picture is representative of the entire suffering which you have inflicted on people in these two years. The compulsory preventive measures decided on by you have brought unbelievably so many tears and pain upon our country that this time no one will forget.    

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): The AfD brings pain and suffering!

Children were compelled to mask and set in a corner separated from their school comrades. They needed to freeze at open windows only because they could not wear no mask for reasons of health. The test swab was painfully shoved in the nose, and each time their pulse beat faster

Ralf Stegner (SPD): You would have been able to recite more pleasant Christmas stories here!

from fear of a positive result with attendant isolation. One mother wrote to all members that in the morning her daughter no longer wanted to get up because the school was a hell. Just as this left my colleagues in the Landtag cold, the people’s suffering did not reach you in the Bundestag.

            Nezahat Baradari (SPD): Such rubbish!

            Lars Lindemann (FDP): The Christmas story goes otherwise.

And just as you were wrong in regards these preventive measures, you are also wrong as to your extolling vaccination. The trivialized little jabs, which should guarantee for an entire year complete protection,

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): The word “science”, you do not know by name!

without side-effects,

            Leni Breymaier (SPD): No one said that!

became an injection which guaranteed neither protection of others nor oneself nor a protection against a serious case,

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): The AfD does not understand science!

yet which can bring serious side-effects up to death.

            Christos Pantazis (SPD): Humbug!

I cite Dr. Beate Jäger, internist, from a ZDF report of December 4, 2022:

            I have treated children here who could no longer lift the head,

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): Internists treat children?

who could not speak. I yesterday saw the mother of a girl who for 8 months stares at the ceiling and must be fed; previously completely healthy…

These are just a few cases of tens of thousands who were vaccinated utterly without need because for them Corona never presented a risk.

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): The risk is the AfD!

All of you here, from the far left to the CDU, are responsible for that, for what has happened and also for what is still happening.

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): What happened to them?

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): The AfD is responsible for division!

So as to avoid further harms, I urgently beg you: Indemnify and rehabilitate the victims, and protect our children,

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): We protect our children by abolishing the AfD!

so that you may finally end these dangerous vaccination experiments!

And stop with this mask mania! I cite Florian Hoffmann, chief doctor at a children’s intensive-care station in Munich: In many German children’s clinics presently prevail situations which recall those of the third world. The stations are full to bursting, and parents with seriously ill children need in part to spend the night on bunks. – Responsible for the increased incidences of serious RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] cases are, according to Hoffmann and other physicians, compulsory masks, closing of day-cares and contact bans.

            Andrew Ullmann (SPD): Correlation and causality need to be understood!

Every single one of you really should very precisely ponder whether he wants to further burden himself with blame. Vote in favor of our motions [Drucksache 20/4891].

            Kathrin Vogler (Linke): No, no way! No thanks!

That would be a start.

Many thanks.

[trans: tem]

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