Rainer Kraft, September 22, 2022, Energy Crisis and Insolvency

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/54, pp. 5954-5955.

Right honorable President. Valued colleagues.

I do not know how you come by the idea that we are screwing around with the security. The technical security aspects are certainly not affected by our draft law.

But let us cite someone: “Every kilowatt-hour helps in this situation”. The Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that.

            Stephan Brandner (AFD): How is that actually?

That is now since three months. At that time, the picture was still arranged for us that we are able to independently come out of this energy crisis in part caused by the government. Nevertheless, now at the beginning of the week, this pretense of the Economy Minister was given up as he surrendered Germany’s energy supply to the whims of wind and weather – coupled with the hope for a mild winter.

Meanwhile, sales of air heaters and kilns attained record returns. By the middle of this year, 600,000 air heaters were sold. Those are 600,000 motions of no confidence in the face of this government’s energy policy.

Even if Minister Habeck does not know what an insolvency is, more and more businesses nevertheless capitulate before the exploding energy prices. Villeroy & Bosch, Eschenbach, Hakle, Baren Board, Schlechtrimen, Dr. Schneider, Görtz, etc, etc. Traditional undertakings, which in part have withstood two world wars or two dictatorships, survive not a year under a Green Economy Minister. “Every kilowatt-hour helps in this situation”. Robert Habeck said that. Yet why does he not keep his own words?

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): Because he has a flu!

Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2 and Emsland have the potential to deliver 96 million kilowatt-hours…independent of the weather and independent of the whims of Gazprom.

Seven months ago, Russia with war invaded the Ukraine. For seven months the Green Economy Minister refuses to recognize the facts. Seven months given away in which the Minister watched the rise of energy prices instead of doing what needed to be done; namely, to mobilize every kilowatt-hour of energy in Germany. Because: Every kilowatt-hour helps the businesses which then do not just go insolvent. Every kilowatt-hour helps the citizens who then need not spend their life’s savings for the next heating bill or in winter need to ask themselves: Do I want a warm dwelling or do I want to buy a meal at the supermarket?

Even if you are not here, Herr Minister, I say: Keep your word and give to the citizens and businesses what they want; namely, every possible kilowatt-hour.

The operators of Isar 2, PreussenElektra, say quite clearly: The most exigent duty now is to briskly lead the political discussion to a durable result. And who says “Every kilowatt-hour helps” can come to only a single durable result and that is the prolongation of the running time of the German nuclear power plants. The AfD’s draft law [Drucksache 20/2592] and our motion to amend [Drucksache 20/3586] make possible precisely that.

We thus confirm: The operators can and want to deliver, a majority of Germans want the prolongation of running time and, yes, there is in this house a majority of hopeful, responsible members who say no

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr member, please come to a conclusion.

to a big, green living lie and yes to nuclear power in Germany.   

[trans: tem]

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