Gottfried Curio, February 12, 2021, Citizenship

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/210, pp. 26543-26544.

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The government for years has wanted to take from the hands of the German citizenry [Staatsvolk] the decision over who shall belong to it. In place of a consideration of naturalization [Einbürgerung] enters a broad claim to naturalization. Therefore, the conditions of such a claim are to be especially well examined and made weatherproof for the still much greater waves of migration planned for by the government. With the global migration pact, migration shall be facilitated and forced by every imaginable means. According to surveys, the takers of such a bid sit on their packed suitcases south of the Sahara in the magnitude of hundreds of millions.

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): …

If one wants to prevent our national and social capacities being exceeded, attention from the very outset is to be paid that the petitioners have integrated economically, socially and culturally.

Yet presently anyone can also be naturalized who was convicted of a crime, or anyone who is not in a position to pay for his upkeep, when it serves the public interest or the avoidance of hardship. Thus shall hard facts, which formerly did not allow to appear advisable a naturalization  according to the law, be remitted by means of an ideological evaluation of a diffuse breadth of judgment, true to the false maxim “Citizenship leads to participation leads to integration”, when in truth the matter is just the opposite: Integration must remain a prerequisite for the achievement of citizenship. A horse cannot be bridled from behind, ladies and gentlemen.  

Now as to the claims: Presently, even he who has supported efforts against the free-democratic basic order shall have a claim to naturalization if he then simply affirms that he has turned away therefrom. Again shall hard facts be remitted by means of mere lip service. Evidently there are still not enough radical Islamists with a previously achieved German citizenship (which can then no more be cast off), whereby the present high number of those posing a threat can certainly no more be surveilled, and indeed a single person suffices for a massacre as in the Breitscheidplatz. According to a study, every second Islamist perpetrator in Germany entered the country as a refugee. The question really is, what for a problem does this legislature have when it wants to see the right of citizenship reserved for such circle of persons. Representation of the interests of German civil society appears otherwise.

Let us look further at claims prerequisites, some touching on the danger of overburdening the German social state. For economic integration, more is required than a snapshot. The self-reliant securing of livelihoods should consist of some years. At least ultimately, the whole party in the end must be paid for by someone. Or the linguistic understanding within the reception society – naturally essential – : Here already, a level should be presented that makes possible the understanding of the principal content of texts and one’s self to be understood,

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Take yourself, for example!

so that normal conversation without great trouble is well possible,

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): You also can read no study!

thus at level B-2, and not only at B-1. It should be added: The power of political control [politische Steuerungsmacht] – Keyword: The right to vote – should be conveyed by being able to follow the political discussion in Germany.

The conditions for naturalization are perforated like a Swiss cheese with diffuse outlet clauses. The criteria of these ominous “public interests” are a presumably wide field open to any ideology. Where then stand, for example, the Union’s desired coalition partners, the Greens? A Syrian, a 2015 illegal immigrant, will be put up by them in Oberhausen as a direct candidate for the Bundestag. He thinks: With me in the Bundestag, it would no more only be said “Dem deutschen Volke”, but “Für alle Menschen in Deutschland”.

Mechthild Rawert (SPD): On that account is “Der Bevölkerung” downstairs! We have an additional artwork for that!

He himself does not have German citizenship, yet now already knows: The right to vote must be so changed as to enable all Menschen living here to vote.

            Stefan Keuter (AfD): Pfui!

He is thereby exemplary of a planned turbo-grant of citizenship and embodies a corresponding general policy of the Greens: For citizenship is what concerns the power of political control; primarily, the right to vote. This is the aim of the Union’s desired partner – not us, ladies and gentlemen.

A stable society which wants to maintain its ability to function should have regard for how develops the relation of claims recipients to the group of contributors [Leistungsträger]. In all dimensions of integration – economic, legal, linguistic, cultural – reasonable minimum standards need to remain guaranteed. Unfortunately, Germany is presently far from that. The snap right of citizenship is rather stamped with a more unrealistic, more ideological prejudice than is a more sober weighing of the matter. What we need is less a narcissistic, pretentious feel-good ethic than much more a sober responsibility ethic. What is squandered at the lowest prices gives rise to the impression: What costs nothing, is worth nothing. – Membership in the German citizenry should be of more value to us, ladies and gentlemen.

[trans: tem]

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