Jens Maier, October 8, 2020, Rental Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/183, pp. 23090-23091.

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The draft law of the Greens, which will be deliberated here today in the first reading, to be sure originates with Frau Canan Bayram.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): She has made it super!

Frau Bayram arrived in the Bundestag with a direct mandate, having obtained her direct mandate in constituency 83. It consists of Berlin-Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg and Prenzlauer Berg Ost. There, the Linke candidate landed in second place. And it is precisely to this clientele that Frau Bayram has directed her draft. The left-green urban sub-culture wishes to aid those by whom it was elected.

Franziska Brantner (Greens): That one enters office for the people by whom one has been elected is a basic understanding of democracy – or?

It would be noted of Berlin-Friedrichshain that there occurred early one morning the evacuation of an occupied house at Liebigstraße 34. Many thousands – thousands – of police were present in an effort to enforce the eviction notice. Street barriers were erected. It appeared that a civil war would break out. The question thus presents itself, Frau Bayram: Do these people need, whom you with your draft wish to support, with after all your help, do they need a law? Your friends, these robber knights in red-green clothing, take what they want and care not at all for the state of law.

And among the Greens, Frau Bayram is not uncontroversial. According to one edition of the “Der Freitag” from the year 2017, Frau Bayram on the basis of her rent policy was designated by some of the friends of the Green Party as alternatively a “left-populist talking head”, “an imputation” or as “unelectable”. As a non-Green, as an outsider, after a reading of the draft law put forward, one can only agree with this evaluation.

At the mid-point of the draft law is the rent regulation and the extension of dismissals protection for the leasing of commercial space. It is desired in all seriousness to no longer leave the level of commercial space rent to the condition of the market, as before, but to introduce, as for dwelling space rent, a kind of social rent law for small businesses. The draft takes up the matter which already in the year 2018 was brought by the State of Berlin before the Bundesrat. To that, I can only say: A regulation of the market for the lease of commercial space, we of the AfD strictly reject; we take no part in that.

We hold it to be factually unjustified, to be simply impractical and it would lead to unjustified consequences. According to the draft law, the State government shall be empowered to designate zones having a constrained commercial rental market.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Very good!

A constrained market is present when it

is no longer possible for small businesses deemed worthy of protection or for institutions    pursuing social-cultural purposes to rent commercial rental space on fair terms.

All is clear, all is understood? That is only puffed up by indefinite legal terms. With that, the doors are opened to the arbitrary selection of the zones ostensibly to be protected. It is to be recognized that, for the Greens, it is not about – as heretofore depicted – Aunt Emma’s Store on the corner, but only about conserving the migrantifa sub-culture in the big cities – a culture which brings forth something like Liebigstraße 34 in Friedrichshain. We do not want that.

The proposed alterations in the area of dwelling space rental law, the intensification of rent control [Mietpreisbremse] and an extension of the foreseen dismissals protection are almost without exception to be rejected. It is interesting that a draft law, for the first time brought into plenary session on July 2 of this year by the AfD, was evidently taken up by the Greens: Thus, according to the presentations of the Greens, a Schonfristzahlung [two months period for payment of all back rent] with proper notification will be possible for renters of dwelling space. That is to be welcomed.

The motion of the Linke is to be rejected.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): What?

It describes a further attempt to exploit the Corona crisis at the cost of the lessor so as to reform the dwelling space rental law according to socialist rules. Who wants anything like that? Not us.

Many thanks.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): You have no idea as it is of socialism!

[trans: tem]

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