Jörg Meuthen, September 4, 2020, Navalny

AfD Kompakt, September 4, 2020.

The unclarified case of Navalny ought not put into play our supply security. No evidence whatsoever has so far been produced that Moscow is behind the presumed poisoning of Navalny. That is a possibility, just like other criminal occurrences. He who reproaches others for a deficient state of law should himself declare no hasty judgments without due process and without substantial evidence.

It is irresponsible that Manfred Weber does this. Where he in his function should represent honestly considered German and European interests, there is with him a prevailing anti-Russian reflex. He appears to remain mentally suspended in the Cold War. No serious policy can thus be managed in the year 2020. The Federal government so far holds onto Nord Stream 2. It presently appears questionable how long they will still do this. The pressure, from within and without, to stop the project is increasing – we recall the recent, fully unacceptable threats from some American senators to destroy the harbor of Sassnitz, important for Nord Stream 2, in case Germany adheres to the realization of the almost ready project. There can be no yielding to this pressure; since the European domestic supply of natural gas is declining but the requirement remains the same. We therefore need, all the more as a consequence of Merkel’s disastrous, so-called energy transformation, additional natural gas. The supply security of Germany and of all Europe is more important than Weber’s personal sensibilities and American business interests.   

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