Jörg Meuthen, July 4, 2019, EU Parliament

Jörg Meuthen

EU Parliament

AfD Kompakt, July 4, 2019

[Jörg Meuthen is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and he leads the AfD’s delegation in the European Parliament.]

What played out yesterday in Strassburg marks a further low point in the EU Parliament: Mara Bizzotto (Lega) of our delegation was placed in the running for one of the 14 deputy posts on the Parliament’s presidium. She was denied the necessary votes.The candidates of the right-conservative delegation “European Conservatives and Reformers” also did not make it.

Those who as a rule always pose as models of democracy are in reality its greatest scorners. As evidence of that is their total rejection of the basic principles of democracy. The will of the people will be completely ignored. The parties of our delegation “Identity and Democracy” received in the EU election a total of around 21 million votes and those of the “European Conservatives and Reformers” approximately 15 million votes which will not have one  representative on the parliamentary presidium. All other delegations are represented on the presidium. That has nothing to do within the much affirmed “Variety of the Parliament”… That recalls the precedent in the Bundestag where the AfD likewise in a more absurd process was denied a post on the Bundestag presidium.

We will not fail to further struggle against this appalling democracy deficit in the EU. Besotted Eurocrats by their arrogance of power have revealed themselves. They are in despair because throughout the EU they are losing their influence. This influence will further wane since, measured by the elections results, the citizens clearly do not forget the rejection of democratic representation by the little power players whom they carry on their backs.

[Translated by Todd Martin]

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