European Election Program, 9th European Parliament 2019, Foreign Policy

European Election Program

Program of the Alternative für Deutschland

     for Election of the 9th European Parliament 2019

3.1 Foreign Policy

3.1.1 Foreign Policy. Germany and Europe in Changing International Relations

The purpose of German foreign policy is the maintenance of a sovereign Germany which guarantees freedom, law and security for its citizens. We stand for a Europe of nations [Vaterländer] and reject the EU’s centralizing efforts. Core competences and authority of decision in the area of foreign and security policy must remain the responsibility of the member states.The AfD is committed to a foreign policy directed by German interests. The requirements of Realpolitik are the guiding principle, not unrealistic ideologies. Conscious of its responsibilities, Germany must therefore take up a leadership role in the European community of states.

A stable, peaceful order in Europe requires a balanced cooperation, not only with the USA but also with Russia. The legitimate security interests of all European states are thereby taken into consideration. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSZE) is an essential element of the European order of peace. We are committed to respect for human rights and thereby especially to the peoples’ right to self-determination. At the same time, we demand observance of the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states by other powers and non-state actors.

3.1.2 The Gestaltung of European Foreign Policy

The AfD rejects the communization [Vergemeinschaffung] of European foreign and security policy (GASP) and of the European foreign service. Instead, we are for a concentration on inter-state determination within Europe.

3.1.3 European Cooperation

France remains an important partner in Europe. German interests however are in the future to be given much stronger consideration. The close relations with Great Britain must also be retained after its exit from the European Union. On that account we support the efforts of the Visegrad states for the maintenance of European identity.

3.1.4 Alliance Partner USA

Good relations with the USA are of essential importance for Europe and Germany. A determination of interests with equality and mutual respect is required. The change in U.S. foreign policy compels Germany and the other European states to independently formulate their interests and also opens up an opportunity to make the most of them.

3.1.5 Russia

The historical and economic ties with Russia demand a reciprocal arrangement of interests which serves the good of all European peoples. Only with Russia’s inclusion is a stable order of peace in Europe imaginable. We regard the sanctions imposed against Russia as being mis-directed [nicht zielführend]. The AfD is committed to their removal and a normalization of relations with Russia. We favor a strengthened cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Community and support the extension of the present gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea (Nord Stream 2) between Russia and Germany in consideration of the supply security of the central European countries. Thereby will our gas supply and that of other European partners be put on a broader basis.

3.1.6 China

We wish to extend economic, political and cultural contacts with China, at the same time however arriving at a mutual approximation of the legal parameters for trade and investment. Pending that, the purchase of European firms by Chinese-directed firms must be controlled by competition and cartel law, limited, and in case of emergency, stopped. We are correspondingly opposed to the selling off of German and European technology.

3.1.7 Turkey

Culturally, Turkey does not belong to Europe. The AfD demands the immediate termination of accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey and the suspension of financial remedial aid.

3.1.8 Syria

During the war, Germany received over one-half million Syrian war refugees who now without delay must be returned. The federal government thus must enter into negotiations with Syrian authorities and exert itself within the EU for the lifting of sanctions against Syria. 

[Translated by Todd Martin]

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